This blog is awesum!!!
Wow Bryce you have really changed since I last saw you!
Bryce, you are so cool, would you just come home and relax without doing any work and make sure to go down and play your PS2, mainly because your game is calling you BECAUSE you are the Awesomest basketball player on PS2 in the world!
dad i'm so good that even though i'm not in the NBA that they put me on the PS2.
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Wow Bryce you have really changed since I last saw you!
Bryce, you are so cool, would you just come home and relax without doing any work and make sure to go down and play your PS2, mainly because your game is calling you BECAUSE you are the Awesomest basketball player on PS2 in the world!
dad i'm so good that even though i'm not in the NBA that they put me on the PS2.
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